BROWNING GROUP Working Seminar

HostsTim Browning
LocationMondi 2, Central Building
(* = unusual time/place)
Tuesday, 1 pm – 2:30 pm until 04/03/2025
NOTE: Wednesday, 1pm – 2:30pm, Mondi 2 from 19/03/2025 !!!

Academic Year 2024/25

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 1pm – 2:30pm
Mondi 2
April 02, 2025Jakob Glas (University of Hannover)Terminal singularities of moduli spaces of curves on hypersurfaces via the circle method
April 09, 2025No Seminar
April 16, 2025Anna Zanoli (ISTA)Towards a conjecture of Gundlach
April 23, 2025Christian Bernert (Leibniz Universität Hannover)TBA
April 30, 2025Simon Rella (ISTA)Sieved by the Past: Analogies between Evolutionary Processes and Prime Numbers
May 07, 2025Florian Wilsch (University of Göttingen)TBA
May 14, 2025WOMEN IN MATH Upcoming Seminars
May 15, 2025
*3pm, Mondi 2
Satadal Ganguly (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)TBA
May 21, 2025Ritabrata Munshi (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)TBA
May 28, 2025TBATBA
June 04, 2025TBATBA
June 11, 2025Carlo Pagano (Concordia University, Montreal)TBA
June 18, 2025TBATBA
June 25, 2025Nirvana Coppola (University of Padua)TBA

Past Events

September 10, 2024
*Mondi 3, Central Building
Ali Mirzaeeanari (ISTA)Campana points over function fields
October 08, 2024Anna Zanoli (ISTA)Counting integer points on Markoff type surfaces
October 15, 2024
*2pm, Heinzel Seminar Room (I21.EG.101), Office Building West
Stephanie Chan (ISTA)The Szpiro ratio of random elliptic curves
October 22, 2024Lena Wurzinger (ISTA)Counting rational points in projective space and lower order terms
October 29, 2024Shuntaro Yamagishi (ISTA)Systems of bilinear equations
November 05, 2024No Seminar
November 12, 2024Lois Faisant (ISTA)A motivic Poisson formula for algebraic tori and applications to motivic height zeta functions of toric varieties
November 19, 2024Nick Rome (TU Graz)Magic squares of squares
November 26, 2024Yijie Diao (ISTA)Work of Varilly-Alvarado on del Pezzos of degree 1
December 03, 2024Victor Wang (ISTA)Average sizes of mixed character sums
December 10, 2024Aleksandr Grebennikov (ISTA)Erdös-Kac type problems for prime divisors of polynomials
December 17, 2024Matteo Verzobio (ISTA)Determinant method with a side condition
January 07, 2025Anna Zanoli (ISTA)On a paper of Wang about K3 surfaces of degree (2,2,2)
January 14, 2025Yijie Diao (ISTA)Artin’s conjecture on average d’après Klurman et al
January 21, 2025No Seminar
January 28, 2025Martin Dvorak (ISTA)Magma equations project
February 04, 2025Nuno Arala Santos (University of Hannover)New expansion results via spectral graph theory
February 11, 2025Damaris Schindler (University of Göttingen)Prime components in Apollonian circle packings
March 04, 2025Vishnupriya Anupindi (Austrian Academy of Sciences, RICAM)Pseudorandom sequences from curves over finite fields.
March 11, 2025Shuntaro Yamaghishi (ISTA)Reading group on Stanley Xiao’s paper
March 19, 2025Katy Woo (University of Princeton)Counting integral points in thin sets of type II: singularities, sieves, and stratification
March 26, 2025Vinay Kumaraswamy Viswanathan (KTH Stockholm)Counting 2×2 integer matrices with given determinant