Academic Year 2023/24

August 30, 2023Ana Marija Vego
On binary polynomials not
representing all integers
October 04, 2023Julia Stadlmann
(University of Oxford)
Equidistribution estimates
for primes in arithmetic progressions
to smooth moduli
October 11, 2023Yijie Diao
Towards a Hasse principle
for random Châtelet surfaces
October 18, 2023Stephanie Chan
The 6-torsion of class groups
of quadratic fields
October 25, 2023Victor Wang
Paucity and polynomial products
November 01, 2023
(public holiday)
no meeting
November 08, 2023Emmanuel Royer
(Université Clermont-Auvergne & CNRS)
Kloosterman paths to prime
power moduli
November 15, 2023Loïs Faisant
A gentle introduction to
motivic stabilisation of curves
November 22, 2023Nick Rome
(TU Graz)
Progress report on quadratic Manin-Peyre
November 29, 2023Matteo Verzobio
Sieving on Mersenne numbers
December 06, 2023Judith Ortmann
(University of Hannover)
Integral points on a singular del Pezzo surface over imaginary
quadratic fields
December 13, 2023Christian Elsholtz
(TU Graz)
Lower bounds for progression free sets and caps in F_p^n
December 20, 2023Nuno Arala
(Warwick University) 
Singular intersections of quadrics and cusp forms
January 10, 2024No Seminar
January 17, 2024No Seminar
January 24, 2024Efthymios Sofos
(University of Glasgow)
Probability of being soluble at some of the primes
January 31, 2024Matthew Kwan (ISTA)The quadratic Littlewood-Offord problem
February 01, 2024
(TU Graz)
February 21, 2024Igor Shparlinski (UNSW Sydney)Ranks of matrices with polynomial entries
February 28, 2024Shuntaro Yamagishi (ISTA)Complete intersections over function fields
March 06, 2024Damaris Schindler
(University of Göttingen)
Density of rational points near manifolds
March 13, 2024No Seminar
March 20, 2024Study group (Stephanie)Bhargava’s work on van der Waerden
March 27, 2024Study group (Stephanie)Bhargava’s work on van der Waerden
April 03, 2024Study group (Stephanie)Bhargava’s work on van der Waerden
April 10, 2024Study group (Stephanie)Bhargava’s work on van der Waerden
April 17, 2024Rainer Dietmann
(Royal Holloway, University of London)
Rational lines on cubic hypersurfaces
April 24, 2024Cameron Wilson
(University of Glasgow)
Local solubility for a family of quadrics over a split quadric
May 01, 2024Public holiday
May 08, 2024Pierre-Yves Bienvenu
(TU Wien)
New results on additive decomposability of multiplicative semigroups
May 15, 2024Sam Streeter (University of Bristol)Campana points on toric varieties
May 22, 2024Lois Faisant (ISTA)(Ir)Rationality of motivic zeta functions of varieties: curves with no rational point
May 29, 2024No seminar
June 05, 2024Lazar Radicevic (SANU)Projective geometry and invariant theory of elliptic curves and rings of finite rank
June 14, 2024
(12.45pm, Heinzel Seminar room)
Dante Bonolis (Duke University)Polynomial sieve and stratification
June 19, 2024GRAZ-ISTA NUMBER THEORY DAYUpcoming Seminars
June 26, 2024Jared Duker Lichtman (Stanford University)Goldbach beyond the square-root barrier